Tagged: to-do

Sites of the Week: September 7, 2014

“Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects.”

– Will Rogers

Factoid: Approximately 27% of all U.S. households are made up of a single person—the highest level in history.

The Wall Street Journal

Now on to this week’s sites. This week, I’m sending out three ‘Site of the Week’ recommendations.


HomeAdvisor offers comprehensive tools and resources for home improvement, maintenance and repair projects. HomeAdvisor launched as ServiceMagic.com in October 1999 and has helped over 25 million consumers since. You are not charged for this service because HomeAdvisor’s network of nearly 70,000 service professionals pay advertising fees to participate in HomeAdvisor’s network. Service professionals specify the type of work they do and the geography they serve. HomeAdvisor provides new customer leads that match these requests and service professionals pay a fee for each lead they receive. These fees do not affect your estimate. HomeAdvisors screens and approves their service professionals verifying identify and checking state-level trade license verification, criminal and sex offender background checks, insurance coverage, business filings, check of bankruptcy, judgments and liens.

PC Pitstop

I just upgraded my internet service from 12 Mbps to 40Mbps. I wanted to ensure it truly is faster so I turned to this site to measure performance before and after the upgrade. This site doesn’t just measure your speed. If your speed isn’t what you expect, PC Pitstop’s diagnostic tools can help you diagnose and fix connection problems.


I’m a list-maker. If you are as well, then Wunderlist may be just what you’re looking for. Wunderlist is top-rated, FREE and available for several platforms. I’ve been using Wunderlist for several months now and am pleased with it. While I believe the recurring event functionality could be greatly improved, it’s solid. I especially like that since it’s cloud-based, I have access to my lists from my work and personal laptops, tablet and phone. You can also share lists and collaborate with co-workers, family and friends.

Ernie Orr sez “Check em out!”